What is Botox®?

Botulinum toxin (Botox®) is a safe and effective wrinkle relaxation treatment.

Over the years, the repeated facial muscle contractions combined with other environmental and lifestyle factors can cause permanent deep lines and wrinkles. When the muscles in our face move, a message is sent from the brain via nerves to the muscles, instructing them to contract. Botox® injectables are a natural protein that works by interrupting this process.

When injected into muscles underneath facial wrinkles, Botox ® works by temporarily reducing muscle activity and creating a smoother, younger looking skin.

At The PRP Lab, we recommend having a Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) facial a few weeks after a Botox® treatment to enhance and prolong the results. While Botox® relaxes the muscles from the inside, PRP works to rejuvenate the skin from the outside. Together these two treatments complete each other, given you a smooth, glowing and wrinkle-free skin.

Botox® at a glance

What areas can be treated with Botox®?

Crow’s Feet.png




Forehead Lines.png


Smokers Lines.png


Frown Lines.png


Botox® Before and After

boxtox img before.png


boxtox img after.png


Botox® FAQ’s

Does it hurt?

No, if needed topical anaesthetic cream can be used which will numb the face.

What happens after the treatment?

You can resume with your day as normal immediately after the treatment, although it is important to avoid any strenuous activity for 24 hours such as going to the gym. Side effects are rare, but occasionally some clients experience redness, but this usually fades quickly.

At the end of your treatment, we will book you in for a free check-up 2 weeks later, so that we can review the results of your treatment once it has taken full effect. Your next appointment can be booked in 3-4 months after to ensure you maintain the results.

What results can I expect from Botox® treatments and how long do results last?

Improvement of lines and wrinkles in the treated area is noticeable within two weeks. It has been reported that if used regularly, anti-wrinkle injectables can delay and prevent the signs of ageing. Botulinum toxin restricts facial muscle movement which means signs of ageing can be prevented.

On average, Botox® remains effective for 3-6 months.

Are Botox ® injections safe?

Yes, Botulinum Toxin is FDA approved and used for both medical and cosmetic purposes for over 20 years with no known adverse effects. Like most cosmetic treatments, side effects can occur. Mild bruising and very occasionally a 'droopy eyelid' has been reported, however these can be corrected or will fade with time.