What is LED Phototherapy?

LED Phototherapy is based on the principle that living cells are able to absorb and are influenced by light and the treatment has long been recognised for its regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties. The system we use at The PRP Lab combines Blue 415nm, Red 633nm and Near Infrared 830nm which are the most internationally recognised and clinically evidenced wavelengths for LED Phototherapy.

While we often associate light exposure with skin ageing and damage, light also has many positive influences on the body. It helps us produce vitamin D and provides energy and serotonin and can also accelerate our skin’s natural repair processes.

The differences between the positive and negative effects of light are the amount and the parts of the light spectrum we are exposed to. On-going exposure to UV is very damaging but controlled levels of Red, Blue and Near Infrared light are clinically proven to be beneficial.

The treatment involves exposing the skin to low levels of this beneficial light energy from the visible and infrared part of the light spectrum which energise cellular functions to stimulate various cellular processes with therapeutic effects. Skin cells that are energised function better and regenerate faster which in turn leads to younger, healthy and radiant skin.

LED Phototherapy at a glance

What areas can be treated with LED Phototherapy?

LED Phototherapy treatments are suitable for the face, body and scalp. It can be used as a stand alone treat or combined with procedures including skin peels, micro-needling, mesotherapy, PRP, Radio Frequency, and injectable treatments.

It is particularly effective with resurfacing procedures where superficial layers of the epidermis are removed. Dead skin cells create an uneven surface which increases the reflection of light. Creating a smooth and more homogenous surface allows for better light absorption and better results.

Certain topical products may be applied to the skin prior to treatment. Near Infrared 830nm is proven to enhance cell permeability which aids product penetration whilst Red 633nm increases cellular metabolism to speed up the activation of ingredients.

A range of conditions can be treated with LED Phototherapy such as acne, red and blemished skin, pigmentation, hair loss and aging skin. It can also be used as the ultimate Red Carpet Facial treatment.

LED Phototherapy FAQ’s

Does it Hurt?
No, there is no pain associated with LED Phototherapy. Your eyes are protected with goggle during the treatment.

Is it safe?
Yes, it is a non-invasive, year-round treatment for all skin types with a high safety profile without discomfort or downtime.

How many treatments do I need and how often?
At The PRP Lab, we like to combine treatments. Depending on the combination treatment suitable for your condition, a course of treatments will work best. In general, most conditions require 1 or 2 sessions per week for 3-10 weeks.