What is Mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy is a versatile treatment that enables a bespoke combination of powerful vitamins, minerals or hyaluronic acid to be injected into the skin. The personalised blend of nutrients, combined with micro-needling technology, can help to trigger the production of new collagen. Fresh skin cells will replace aged or damaged ones leaving your skin firmer, toned and radiant.

Mesotherapy at a glance

What areas can be treated with Mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy can deliver anti-ageing, firming and skin smoothing results to the face, neck, décolletage and body. It can also be used to target stubborn localised fat and cellulite on common trouble areas such as the abdomen, thighs, legs and arms.

This non-surgical skin rejuvenating treatment can help to lift, plump and hydrate the skin, leaving it looking smooth, youthful, replenished and glowing. Micro-needles are used to deliver a direct hit of tailored vitamins and minerals, working deep down to maximise results, which helps soften wrinkles, fine lines and hydrate your skin.

Sagging skin, cellulite reduction and stretch marks treatments by mesotherapy technique feeds the skin, enhancing new collagen production. The skin is left tighter, smoother, hydrated and plumped.

Mesotherapy’s bespoke blend of vitamins and minerals works to restore hair growth on the existing hair follicles. It can help to increase microcirculation and replenish the hair follicles with nutrients to promote hair growth for healthier, thicker and fuller looking hair. For best results, we combine PRP with mesotherapy for the scalp.

Mesotherapy FAQ’s

Does it hurt?
You may feel a slight pinching or burning sensation when the injections are administered. However, a topical anesthetic cream can be used to make the treatment virtually painless.

When will I see results?
Results vary depending on your body type and the condition being treated. On average, results are noticeable in two to three sessions.

Are there any side effects?
A common side effect of Mesotherapy is bruising, which generally subside within a week.

What is the aftercare?
After having the treatment, you must apply a high factor SPF for protection. Mesotherapy is a minimally invasive treatment that involves minimum downtime and you can resume to your regular daily routine.