What is Non-Invasive Lipo?

Our Non-invasive Lipo technology uniquely combines two technologies - Radio Frequency and Dynamic Muscle Activation. Working simultaneously using a single applicator, they create a synergistic effect that delivers non-invasive fat removal and lymphatic drainage, as well as skin tightening.

The triple action of our technology consists of Radio Frequency deep volumetric heating combined with internal muscle contraction and external mechanical force which together yield maximum fat removal and lymphatic drainage as well as skin tightening. The triple action effect is visible from the first treatment. Long term body shaping is achieved in a minimal number of treatments.

The RF energy generates heat through tissue resistance in both the dermal and subcutaneous layers. Selective and focused electro-heating of the skin stimulates and increases fat metabolism in the subcutaneous fat layer and collagen remodeling in the dermal layer. In the subcutaneous fat layer, the thermal effect accelerates the natural fat metabolism process and the release of liquid fat from the fat cells into the extra-cellular matrix.

Drainage of the released liquid fat is accelerated by simultaneously applying internal and external pressure on the fat layer. Internally, Dynamic Muscle Activation pulses stimulate the muscle layer causing the muscle to contract. This contraction elevates the muscle and pushes the fat cells up towards the surface.

Simultaneously, the mechanical pressure of the applicator presses the skin from above. The combined internal and external pressure increases the removal of the liquid fat via accelerated lymphatic drainage. The simultaneous effect of the Radio Frequency and the forced drainage results in the homogenous heating and in accelerated blood and lymph circulation that optimizes tissue oxygenation and detoxification.

In the dermal layer, focused Radio Frequency energy heats the collagen fibers causing them to contract, resulting in immediate skin tightening and smoothening. In addition, fibroblasts’ metabolism is accelerated leading to collagen regeneration and long term skin tightening and firming.

Non-Invasive Lipo at a glance

What are the benefits of Non-Invasive Lipo?

  • Focused Fat Reduction

  • Cellulite Improvement

  • Long Term Circumferential Decrease 

  • Skin Tightening and Firming

  • Facial Contouring

  • Wrinkle Reduction

  • Lifting, Toning and Firming of Muscles

  • Detoxification and Improved Drainage

  • Enhanced Blood Circulation and Oxygenation

Non-Invasive Lipo FAQ's?

Does it hurt?
No, there is no pain associated with this treatment. It can feel uncomfortable at times due to the Dynamic Muscle Activation function as it pumps the muscles, but not painful.

When will I see results?
Immediately with some conditions! A course of 6-8 sessions are recommended but from the first treatment, the treated are is noticeably slimmer, firmer and more toned. After a course, most clients lose 1-3 inches in size in the area being treated. We recommend a healthy lifestyle to maintain the results.

Is there any downtime?
No, the Non-Invasive Lipo is the ultimate lunchtime treatment. You can walk in and out, and carry on with your day as usual. The only aftercare we recommend is to drink plenty of water after the treatment to help drain the fat via the lymphatic system.

Which areas can be treated?
Unwanted fat on Arms, Legs, Stomach, Buttocks, Neck, Face. The only parts that cannot be treated are the breasts, genitals, underarms, directly over the eyes (off the bone) and the thyroid area.

Results After 2 Sessions


Results After 8 Sessions

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Results After 3 Sessions

Results After 8 Sessions

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