What is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy?

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy is a non-surgical treatment that utilizes your own body’s healing abilities to stimulate skin and follicle recovery. It is a natural treatment that uses the platelets from your own blood. These activated platelets secrete and release at least 7 different growth factors which enhance the natural healing process of the skin and hair follicles.

During a PRP Therapy treatment, a small amount of blood is drawn from you into a sterile tube in the exact same manner as a standard blood test. The tube containing your blood is placed into a centrifuge and spun to separate the plasma and platelets from the other blood components.

After a few minutes, the PRP layer is removed from the same tube and re-introduced into the body at the site to be treated. Using a small sterile needle, your practitioner will inject the PRP in and around the desired site.

The production of collagen induced by the PRP will brighten, rejuvenate and rehydrate the skin even after the first treatment. A course of 3-4 treatments are recommended to see the full effects of this pioneering technique.

PRP at a glance

What areas can be treated with PRP?


Whether you want to address crow’s feet, frown lines or loose skin, PRP Therapy can be an effective treatment to restore your skin’s youthful appearance. By encouraging the natural collagen production, this innovative facial rejuvenation treatment can help to provide numerous anti-ageing benefits, helping your skin to look smoother and more plumped.


Using PRP, we can treat scars on the body. By stimulating and accelerating the body's natural healing process, the skin is rejuvenated and renewed with PRP Therapy.   


PRP Therapy can be used to treat one of the most frustrating and common concerns for both men and women, hair loss. The treatment involves harvesting the natural growth factors in the blood and reintroducing them to feed the hair follicle. This great, minimally invasive procedure promotes healthy hair growth, to help give you fuller and thicker hair.

Combining PRP with other treatments

PRP can be combined with other treatments for maximum results. We routinely combine PRP with Morphues8, exosomes (primarily for hair loss), microneedling and mesotherapy.


Exosomes are nature's own communication system, tiny vesicles that carry messages between cells to promote repair and regeneration. Extracted from stem cells, these powerful messengers are loaded with growth factors, proteins, and RNA that work together to stimulate your skin's natural healing processes. Our advanced Exosomes treatments stimulate collagen synthesis, reducing fine lines and wrinkles while promoting firmness and elasticity for a youthful complexion. By regulating pigment production, exosomes fade dark spots and blemishes, resulting in a more even skin tone. Our therapy refines skin texture, leaving it soft, supple, and smooth, while unlocking your skin's natural luminosity for a radiant, healthy glow that emanates from within.

Is PRP the same in every clinic?

No. Even though your own blood is used to obtain the plasma, there are major differences in the kits used to extract and purify the platelets. As specialists in PRP, we use the best kits available - Fidia Pharma HY-Tissue PRP system, and the Arthrex Angel® PRP system. Both systems provide the desired concentration of platelets required for the individual having treatment. The Angel® system has the capability to deliver platelet concentrations up to 18x baseline with adjustable leukocyte concentrations.

During your consultation, we will conduct a free of charge blood test to check your platelet count and ensure you are suitable for treatment. By doing this, we increase your chances of gaining better results - in particularly when treating hair loss.


The Angel® system offers customized PRP formulations from whole blood or bone marrow aspirate. The Angel's revolutionary flexibility offers fully adjustable white blood cell content, platelet concentration, and volumes with one button automation. Innovative design simplifies the setup procedure and offers the capability of processing flexible blood volumes.


Does it hurt?
Face: Minimal pain, if needed topical anaesthetic cream can be used which will numb the face.

Scalp: Mild / Moderate pain. Scalp injections can be painful but we use certain tools to make the treatment as comfortable as we can for you. Each individuals pain threshold will be different so the level of pain experienced will vary.

How many treatments and how often is this therapy needed?
While responses to treatment vary, most people will require 3-4 sessions. Each set of treatments are spaced approximately 4-6 weeks apart. There is no limit to the number of treatments you can have. Your practitioner will determine your treatment protocol according to your skin/scalp condition.

What results can I expect from PRP treatments?
Improvement of skin texture and tone is noticeable within three weeks. Full collagen regeneration takes up to three months. Reduction in hair loss is noticeable within 8 weeks. In most cases, hair re-growth is seen 3-6 months after the last treatment. Results will vary from person to person - during the consultation, the practitioner will examine your area of concern and taking into account your medical history and expected results for your case will be discussed thoroughly.

Are there possible side effects of PRP facial rejuvenation?
Mild / Moderate swelling and redness for 12-48 hours. Mild bruising may also occur. How long the side effects last will vary from person to person - in some cases, side may take longer to subside.

How long do results last?
Treatment results vary, however, in most patients the results last up to 24 months after a completing a course of 4 treatments. Touch-up treatments (every 3-6 months) will maintain the results.