What is The Super Facial?

The 4 in 1 super facial platform incorporating exfoliation, oxygenation, product infusion and facial skin tightening with TriPollar technology.

The Super Facial takes its inspiration from natural hot springs known for inducing skin oxygenation. By simulating this effect, The Super Facial triggers a body response that sends oxygen to the treated area. At the same time, it exfoliates the skin and creates an optimal environment for infusion of essential nutrients both during and after treatment. The ability to layer Radio Frequency induces collagen and elastin regeneration in the dermis layer, which leads to smoother and tighter skin and a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles.

The Super Facial technology results in unparalleled skin nourishment & oxygenation, for smoother complexion and younger looking skin. Results can be seen after only one treatment.

It can be used a course of treatments to tackle a particular concern or as your Red Carpet Facial for a special occasion.

The Super Facial at a glance

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What are the benefits of The Super Facial?

4-in-1 therapy. Better results.

·      Plump and hydrate

·      Restore skin volume

·      Renew youthful glow

·      Revitalize dull complexion

·      Reduce appearance of wrinkles

·      Firm skin and tighten pores

·      Improve skin cell production

·      Reduce appearance of pigmentation

The Super Facial FAQ’s

Does it hurt?
No, there is no pain associated with this treatment.

When will I see results?
Immediately with some conditions! A course of 6 is recommended but from the first treatment, your face is noticeably smoother, brighter and firmer.

Is there any downtime?
No, The Super Facial is the ultimate lunchtime treatment. It is the best treatment before an event. The main aftercare we advise with The Super Facial is sun protection using a high SPF. As we are resurfacing the skin, the exposed skin is more susceptible to UV radiation, so SPF must be used post treatment.